Tucson Enrollment Center

Global Entry Interview Guide

Tucson, AZ, US

This guide will help you complete your Global Entry Interview at Tucson Enrollment Center.
We also have guides for other Global Entry Interview Locations.

The next available Global Entry interview appointment at Tucson Enrollment Center is in 30 days.

We can help you get an earlier appointment!

Last Updated: 6 minutes ago

Step 1 - Apply for Global Entry
Apply for Global Entry

The first step to faster international travel is applying for the Global Entry program and getting conditionally approved.

  • Click the below button if you have not yet applied. It will open in a new browser tab.
Start Your Global Entry Application
Step 2 - Schedule Your Global Entry Interview Appointment
Schedule Your Interview at Tucson Enrollment Center

Congratulations! You've been conditionally approved for the Global Entry program. The next step is scheduling an in-person interview appointment at Tucson Enrollment Center.

  • Click the below button. It will open in a new browser tab.
  • Scroll down to 'ARIZONA'
  • Click Tucson Enrollment Center
  • Click 'Choose This Location'. This will take you to a new page showing available interview appointment times.
  • Review our Global Entry Interview Guide to help prepare for your interview.
Schedule Your Interview
Step 3 - Getting an Earlier Appointment
Getting an Earlier Appointment at Tucson Enrollment Center

Sometimes Tucson Enrollment Center shows "No appointments available for this location" or the next available appointment might be weeks or months away. What can you do?

People cancel their appointments and new interview times open up all the time. You can continue to check the web site for availability or you can let us do it for you. We'll send you an email alert as soon as we see an earlier appointment. All you have to do is click the link in the email and book your appointment.

Get an Earlier Interview
Tucson Enrollment Center Details
Tucson Enrollment Center

7150 S. Tucson Blvd
Tucson, AZ 85756
Phone: 520-799-8348

Directions: We are located next to "Terminal C" on Tucson Boulevard. Park in the hourly parking and use the crosswalk closest to Terminal C.

Notes: Please keep in mind once the Global Enrollment Centers reopen, multiple safety precautions will be implemented. Masks will be required to be worn at all Global Enrollment Centers by both applicants and employees. Applicants must also have an appointment, as no walk-in appointments will be accepted. Due to limited seating in waiting areas and social distancing guidelines, only the applicant will be permitted inside. Additionally, it is recommended that you not arrive earlier than 10 minutes prior to your scheduled appointment.