Everything You Need to Know About Global Entry Interview: Your Gateway to Hassle-Free Travel

Are you tired of waiting in long immigration lines every time you travel internationally? Do you want to breeze through airport security with ease? If so, Global Entry might be the solution you've been searching for. In this comprehensive guide, we'll describe the ins and outs of the Global Entry program, focusing specifically on the crucial step of the Global Entry interview.

What is Global Entry?

Global Entry is a trusted traveler program administered by the U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) agency. It is designed to expedite the entry process for pre-approved, low-risk travelers when they arrive in the United States. Members of Global Entry enjoy benefits such as expedited immigration and customs clearance, bypassing long lines, and using automated kiosks at select airports.

The Global Entry Interview Process

After completing the online application and paying the non-refundable application fee, the next step in obtaining Global Entry is the in-person interview. While the interview may seem daunting, it's a straightforward process designed to ensure that applicants meet the program's eligibility requirements.

Scheduling Your Interview

Once your application is conditionally approved, you'll receive an email instructing you to log in to the Trusted Traveler Programs (TTP) website to schedule your interview. It's essential to schedule your interview as soon as possible, as appointment availability can vary depending on the location.

Getting an Earlier Appointment

Sometimes you will see "No appointments available for this location" or the next available appointment might be weeks or months away. What can you do?

Travelers cancel their appointments and new interview times open up all the time. You can continue to check the web site for availability or you can let us do it for you. We'll send you an email alert as soon as we see an earlier appointment. All you have to do is click the link in the email and book your appointment.

Get an Earlier Interview

What to Bring

On the day of your interview, make sure to bring all required documents, including your valid passport(s) and a second form of identification, such as a driver's license or ID card. Additionally, it's advisable to bring any supporting documents that may help verify your eligibility for the program, such as proof of residency or employment.

The Interview Process

During the interview, a CBP officer will review your application, ask you a series of questions, and collect your biometric information, such as fingerprints. The purpose of the interview is to verify your identity, confirm your eligibility for Global Entry, and ensure that you understand the program's rules and regulations.

Tips for a Successful Interview

To increase your chances of success, it's essential to arrive on time, dress appropriately, and answer all questions truthfully and accurately. Be prepared to discuss your travel history, employment status, and any criminal or immigration violations, if applicable. Additionally, demonstrate your understanding of the program's benefits and responsibilities.


In conclusion, the Global Entry interview is a crucial step in obtaining expedited entry into the United States. By following the tips outlined in this guide and adequately preparing for your interview, you can streamline the process and enjoy all of the benefits of Global Entry for years to come. So why wait in long lines when you can travel with ease? Schedule your Global Entry interview today and embark on your next adventure hassle-free!